Meg’s Faves

I’m excited to share some of my favorite products and brands with you! All the brands listed below (unless stated otherwise) are ones I have applied to be an affiliate for because I’ve used and loved their products so much. Being an affiliate means I get a small commission from purchases bought with my code or link, and I always ask for a discount code to pass on to you! ♡

I applied to be an affiliate with Perfect Supplements because I had been using and loving their products for a few years. I love that their beef products (like collagen, gelatin, liver, etc.) are tested from glyphosate and are from cows that are grass-fed. P.S. sells their own products, but also a number of other brands that I love. I bundle everything together (sometimes with a friend!) and save on shipping. You can use my BODYTALKBASICS code at checkout to get 10% off anything they sell!

Perfect Supplements

  • Hydrolized Collagen Powder

    I love adding this collagen powder to milky drinks, smoothies, adrenal cocktails, pancakes, etc. to add additional protein. Click HERE to see my trick for getting it to not clump.

    10% off with code BODYTALKBASICS

  • Desiccated Beef Liver

    I didn’t grow up eating liver, so I’m trying to make up for lost time! Beef liver is full of essential nutrients like retinol, copper, and iron. I keep these on hand for traveling or days I don’t feel like eating raw liver.

    10% off with code BODYTALKBASICS

  • Bovine Gelatin

    I use this bovine gelatin to make all kinds of fruit gummies and marshmallows! I like to try to have a few gummies with meals that include muscle meat to aid digestion. Check back soon for my go-to gummy recipe!

    10% off with code BODYTALKBASICS

  • Acerola Cherry Powder

    This whole-food source of vitamin C comes from acerola cherries and offers 267% of your DV of vitamin C in just a 1/4 tsp! I use it in my homemade hydration powder - I’ll share my recipe soon!

    10% off with code BODYTALKBASICS

  • MCT Oil

    This MCT oil is made from coconuts. Since it stays liquid, I use it in my carrot salads (with seasoned rice vinegar, yum!) and make my own mayo and dressings with it. I love that it comes in a glass bottle as well.

    10% off with code BODYTALKBASICS

  • Ancient Minerals Magnesium

    Magnesium is an essential mineral that is involved in hundreds of important functions in the body. I love making my own magnesium spray (click HERE for a tutorial) and adding it to foot soaks.

    10% off with code BODYTALKBASICS

Other things I get from Perfect Supplements: Rositas Cod Liver Oil & BioRay Liver Life Tincture
On my wishlist: MultiOrgan capsules & Mushroom Immunity Powder

Mountain Rose Herbs

Herbal infusions, teas, and tinctures are a part of my daily life. I love learning about plants and how they can support our bodies in different seasons. Since herbal infusions take a lot of plant matter, I like to order my favorite herbs (like raspberry leaf, oatstraw, nettle, and dandelion root) in one pound packages. I use Mountain Rose’s hydrosols (the rose is my favorite so far!) on my face as a toner before applying jojoba oil.

I spent years putting toxic skincare and makeup products on my skin without thinking about how those chemicals would get absorbed into my body and impact things like my hormones and liver function. Now I’m very picky about what I put onto my skin. Here are some of the few brands I use and trust! You can click HERE to read about my simple skin routine.

  • Kossma Beauty (Skincare)

    I had a bad breakout of cystic acne a few years ago and was left with a lot of hyperpigmentation. I have noticed a big decrease since using Kossma’s Vitamin C Serum! I love that her products are PUFA free and saturated fat-based.

    Use code BODYTALKBASICS for 10% off

  • Araza Beauty

    I don’t wear a ton of makeup, but when I do, I want to feel confident about what I am putting on my skin. I love Araza Beauty’s non-toxic makeup! I love the coverage and creaminess of their coconut cream foundation.

    Use code BODYTALKBASICS for 15% off

  • Toups & Co

    I have their mineral foundation and find it covers hyperpigmentation without looking cake-y. They offer little sample kits so you can figure out your color and if you like the product before committing, which I found helpful!

    Use code BODYTALKBASICS for 10% off

ClearlyFiltered Pitcher
Water Filter

I hope to someday get an under-the-counter filtration system, but a pitcher worked the best for our current life situation (and budget!). Click here to see a really satisfying list of all the nasty things this pitcher can filter out.

Molly’s Suds

I’m not affiliated with Molly’s Suds, but I really like their unscented Laundry Powder, Oxygen Whitener Bleach Alternative, and wool dryer balls (they shorten drying time). I appreciate how they list their ingredients and sourcing on their website.


I’ve tried many different “natural” toothpastes, but this one is my favorite so far! I’ve used the CocoGinger and Ela Mint - CocoGinger is a good option with no essential oils. Also, this is my favorite floss ever (I buy it at Whole Foods).

  • TOP Organic

    TOP was started by two moms and it is one of the few menstrual product brands I trust. Many brands say they are “clean” but then use nasty ingredients. TOP products are plastic-free, 100% organic cotton (lining and core!), and have biodegradable wrappers.

    25% off with code BODYTALKBASICS

  • My Cycle Conscious Guide

    Do you wish you knew more about how your menstrual cycle actually worked? Would you like to know how to predict your period (even if you have irregular cycles!) and use your cycle signs to better assess your health? Do you want to keep better track of how you feel throughout your cycle? I made this starting point for YOU!

  • My Cycle Charts

    I love charting my cycle on paper (if I had to use an app, though, I would pick the @read.your.body app!), so I designed charts that were beautiful to look at and use! I keep these next to my bed and jot down my waking temperature in the morning and then cervical fluid observations before bed. They come in a few different styles!

Q: What about reusable period products?
A: I’m in the process of testing out a few different reusable pad options, so I’ll let you know my thoughts soon!

  • BioFulvic Minerals

    This mineral blend contains over 70 minerals sourced from a fresh water deposit in Utah. I love adding this to my water to re-mineralize it, using it as a toner on my face, and even swishing with it in place of mouthwash. It has a really mild, slightly salty flavor!

    10% off with code BODYTALKBASICS

  • Oyster Max

    Oysters are loaded with essential nutrients like zinc, copper, iodine, and selenium. I love this specific brand because they sustainably harvest oysters off the coast of Ireland and slowly dehydrate them (maximizing minerals). No fillers added, just oysters.

    10% off with code BODYTALKBASICS
    (get 20% off total when you buy 3 or more)

  • Pact Organic

    All of Pact’s products are 95-100% organic cotton and fair trade. I have multiple pairs of their high-rise cotton undies, but have my eye on some of their dresses, bralettes, and sleep sets as well!

    20% off your first order with code BODYTALKBASICS

  • Castor Oil Packs

    I love castor oil packs. I find them to be a gentle but effective way of supporting my liver. When I’m consistent with castor oil packs (a few days a week) I notice better periods and more regular BMs. I have a tutorial HERE about how to make your own castor oil pack, but I also love the kit from Queen of the Thrones!

  • Branwyn Bras & Underwear

    I’ve been on the hunt for a good bralette for quite a while and I really like this one. It’s made of 80% merino wool, which isn’t scratchy, is temperature regulating, and breathable! I also LOVE THEIR UNDERWEAR! It’s breathable and doesn’t give me a wedgie. What more could I ask?

    Get $10 off purchases of $25 or more

  • Crucial Four mMagBicarb

    I use this magnesium hydroxide powder to make my own magnesium bicarbonate. I have a post HERE with info about the importance of magnesium and a tutorial for making your own bicarbonate. Remember to start slow with this stuff! (Not affiliated with Crucial Four, but I like and buy this product and their salt!)